Online Flying Heels (1-3) @ Pole Flow Berlin
Online Flying Heels (1-3) @ Pole Flow Berlin

Online Flying Heels (1-3)



@ Pole Flow Berlin


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Online Flying Heels (1-3) @ Pole Flow Berlin
Online Flying Heels (1-3) @ Pole Flow Berlin

Fly with your Heels! In this class, you will learn fluid and flowy combination on Spinning Pole designed for High Heels ✨👠

The high heels offer added weight, which increases the difficulty of similar tricks performed without heels, but they also add a lot of fun 🚀 (not to mention legs for days!)

Flying with Heels, you will not only develop additional strength which will later make non-heels flow a lot easier, but you will also be able to combine aerial Spin Flow in your Heels Choreographies or Freestyles.

Lidia will offer Heels Spin Flows which combine Low Flow (closer to the ground) as well as an Aerial Flow with variations to beginners (with experience on Spin) as well intermediate and above.

You can also join without Heels and enjoy the beautiful combos barefoot!

Level: all with experience 


Montag, 10. März 2025


12:15 - 13:15

(60 min)


mehr als 5



Online Stream

Diese Aktivität wird im Online Stream übertragen. Um teilzunehmen, folge diesen Schritten:

  • This studio uses Zoom as their online streaming provider. Download the according app to your laptop, tablet or smartphone

  • Zugang zum Online Stream ist ab 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Aktivität verfügbar. Geh auf "Meine Buchungen" und klicke "Jetzt zur Online-Übertragung" um zum Stream weitergeleitet zu werden

  • Bei einigen Streaming Anbietern (z.B. Zoom) ist es möglich, dass sich Teilnehmer:innen gegenseitig sehen können. Es ist aber auch möglich die Kamerafunktion zu deaktivieren. Dein eingegebener Name kann während des Meetings angezeigt werden, du kannst aber auch nur deine Initialen angeben. Bitte beachte, dass je nach Studio oder Anbieter individuelle Regeln für die Online Teilnahme gelten können.





Hannah aka juice is a Performer and pole teacher based in Berlin. Her dance journey began in her early years with classical ballet. Supported by a mother who also danced ballet, she made it to the John Cranko School and danced there for a year. After bad experiences in the ballet world, she broke off her training and took a longer break from sports. In her early twenties, Hannah discovered Pilates and yoga for herself. And finally 2 years ago Pole Dance. After an intensive year of training, she established a high level and continued to work on her development. She also works on hand balance, flexibility and regularly trains in doubles. I am happy to share my knowledge with my students. As a black queer dancer, pole dance has always been a safe space for me. And I hope to be able to share this safety.


Certification: Fitness Trainer A and B Lizenz


8,00 €

Virtual Drop in for less (single online class)

9,00 €

Virtual Drop in (single online class)

35,00 €

Virtual Casual Flow for less (5 online classes)

39,00 €

Virtual Casual Flow (5 online classes)

59,00 €

Virtual Deep Flow for less (10 online classes)

69,00 €

Virtual Deep Flow (10 online classes)

27,50 € /

55,00 € /

Virtual UNLIMITED Flow for less

% Rabatt


32,50 € /

65,00 € /

Virtual UNLIMITED Flow

% Rabatt





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Stornierungen sind online auf Eversports bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn möglich.

Online Flying Heels (1-3)


Montag, 10. März 2025


12:15 - 13:15

(60 min)


mehr als 5