Moving and Meditation
15,00 € | Einzelticket |
5,00 € | ONLINE Try Out |
30,00 € | ONLINE 1 month ticket |
50,00 € | ONLINE Five Classes Block |
17,99 € / Monat | Monthly Sub |
What makes yoga different from other form of movement is the awareness of the breath. And breath is the one and only tool that we can use to switch between the active and restorative state of our nervous system. That’s why yoga helps greatly to teach us to use breath to relax and that eventually can lead to the state of meditation. This state is somewhere between being awake and sleeping, on the edge of consciousness. Meditation shows us where the “I” starts and where it ends. It helps us to understand, what really matters and we suddenly can see the filters that we are looking at the World through.
In this class we will explore a short movement practice, and end with a 30 minutes of breathing and eventually dropping to a possible meditation state, that might happen, but it also might not.