5,00 € | Einzelticket |
25,00 € | Drop-In / Single |
60,00 € | Drop-In / 3 Days |
75,00 € | Drop-In / Week Pass |
100,00 € | Probemonat 4x / Woche |
150,00 € | Probemonat Unlimited |
16 Rounds of: 40s Work : 20s Rest
- Jumping Jacks (count hands overhead)
- Hollow Rocks (count rocking forward)
- Knee Side Plank Leg Raise (switch every 25 reps)
- Mountain Climbers (count each foot)
Stay with the same movement until you accumulate 100 repetitions, then proceed to the next movement and repeat. If you finish all four movements with the 16 Rounds re-start from the beginning.