Backbends Anatomy Workshop
35,00 € | Einzelticket |
5,00 € | ONLINE Try Out |
Bending backwards is something extremely hard (except if you got some hypermobile genes probably). It's also complex with lots of body parts involved: wrists, shoulders, whole spine/core, hips and sometimes even ankles need to be not just flexible, but also strong in order not to damage certain tissues.
Understanding the way our body is build, how it moves, and how we stabilize it, will give you a new insight into not just backbending, but also into your posture and movements outside of the yoga mat. You will learn why we feel pain, and how to avoid it, and how to become stronger in your backbends too.
The first 1.5 hours is a practice, along with breath and explaining preparation for full backbends ending with the wheel and camel pose. Last hours is dedicated to the anatomy in relationship with backbends.