Finding the Root
15,00 € | Einzelticket |
5,00 € | ONLINE Try Out |
30,00 € | ONLINE 1 month ticket |
50,00 € | ONLINE Five Classes Block |
17,99 € / Monat | Monthly Sub |
Root is what we use to connect ourselves with the ground - this doesn’t mean though, that our direction is down, we actually want to root in order to grow, to lengthen, to rise and to expand. From the physiological perspective, if we stabilize our foundation, our joints will stabilize and and our nervous system will feel safer, and will be able to move with freedom.
In this class we explore the root bandhas - hasta, pada and mula bandhas, that create the rooting action of our physical body and of our breath and we will work on balancing and using our legs in a stronger and effective way.