Ashtanga-Iyengar - Back to Basics & Sun Salutations - Bali Yoga with Beate - Online Replay
5,00 € | Einzelticket |
0,00 € | Videocard Unlimited free |
14,00 € | Online Drop-in 75-90 min |
70,00 € | Online 5 Pack |
80,00 € | Online Monthly Card |
120,00 € | Online 10 Pack |
69,00 € / Monat | The Freedom Pass |
Diese 75 min Yogapraxis mit Beate ist auf Englisch und wurde in Wien in 2020 aufgenommen.
This 75 min yoga practice with Beate is in English and was recorded in Vienna in 2020.
Beate: "Es ist für mich essentiell, Yoga über die körperlichen Übungen (Asanas) hinaus zu lehren und auf aktuelle Ereignisse und Herausforderungen zu antworten, indem ich auf alte yogische & kontemporäre Philosophien & Lehren zurückgreife, die als Thema in die regelmässige Praxis eingewoben werden; gefolgt von Stille in Meditation (Dhyana), Absichtsbildung, Selbstreflexion, Pranayama (Atemtechniken) und Sanskrit Chanting. Wenn wir Körper und Geist beruhigen, sehen wir die Ereignisse in unserem Leben mit ausgeprägter Klarheit und können klügere Entscheidungen treffen, besser für uns und andere sorgen und innere Stabilität finden.
Die körperliche Praxis – asanas – ist eine eklektische Mischung aus einer Vielzahl von Yoga-“Stilen”: Hatha Yoga (hauptsächlich auf der Basis von Iyengar Yoga), Intuitiver Vinyasa Flow, Yoga für den Rücken, Liquid Yoga, Free Movement, Tanz, Bali Yoga Bootcamp (Fitness kombiniert mit Asanas), Restoratives Yoga, Therapeutisches Yoga und Kundalini Yoga Snippets. Ich liebe es, gewissenhafte Körperausrichtung und therapeutisches Yoga mit freier Bewegung und Tanz zu synchronisieren, um die Architektur des Körpers wiederherzustellen und gleichzeitig beide Gehirnhälften und die Körpersysteme jedes Einzelnen anzuregen. "
in English
"it is essential for me to teach yoga through and beyond physical exercises (asanas) responding to current events and challenges by drawing from ancient yogic & contemporary philosophies & teachings, which are woven into a theme for each practice, followed by stillness through meditation (dhyana), intention-setting, self-reflection, pranayama (breathing techniques) and Sanskrit chanting. When we soothe body & mind, we see occurrences in our lives with pronounced clarity and can make wiser decisions, take better care of ourselves & others and find stability within.
The physical practice – asanas – is an eclectic fusion of a diverse array of yoga “styles”: Hatha Yoga (mainly alignment and Iyengar Yoga based), Intuitive Vinyasa Flow, Yoga for Your Back, Liquid Yoga, Free Movement, Dance, Bali Yoga Bootcamp (fitness combined with asanas), Restorative Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga and Kundalini Yoga Snippets. I love to synchronise intricate body alignment and therapeutic yoga with free movement and dance seeking to restore the body’s architecture while simultaneously balancing both sides of the brain and each individual’s body systems.”
Über den Trainer/Lehrer
Born in the 60’s in Innsbruck, Austria, as Beate, my friends quickly re-named me Billy. I find that two names actually go well with a multi-faceted Gemini. At 18 a full athletic tennis scholarship opened up my court to study in Florida and New York for four years, which happened to be just a natural extension of my sporty childhood dreams and a strong urge to travel since the age of three. When a pure coincidence dropped me at The Plaza Hotel after graduation from Pace University, while pounding the Manhattan pavement for interviews, I emerged working for the Trumps. Exciting times and yes, me and the city never slept. Back in Vienna, a head hunter decided, that politics was my new bee-hive, buzzing around the offices of Dr. Thomas Klestil. The moment he became president of Austria, a series of very fortunate events and the “bestest” girlfriend brought me to Bali. Ah, did I deserve a holiday and did I instantly fall in love with the smells, the faces and the feeling of this magical island. Destiny was written. I had arrived … home. The “Island of the Gods” blessed me with a family and the deepest loves of my life, Chiana and Davina, were born. Mother Bali awakened a palette of lush and colourful passions in me: interior design, villa construction & management, holistic health & well-being, alternative healing modalities, vital nutrition, study of ancient languages and of course and above all … Yoga! Temuku, Bali’s first health food shop, was my first enterprise, together with my husband from New Zealand, followed by the real estate venture Bali Villa Management. My third business, Bali Yoga & Wellness was Indonesia’s first legal yoga company, created in 2005 with the mission to bring yoga and the healing arts into private homes, villas and hotels in Bali. After 22 years of Bali Magic, I moved with my daughter Chiana to Vienna, Austria, in 2013. Bali Yoga Wien sprouted out of the middle-aged cobblestone of this picturesque city – a flourishing yoga studio in the heart of Vienna on the legendary Schwarzenbergplatz. The studio was the center of daily yoga practices for a thriving heartfelt yoga community, seeking more than a handstand and a trendy outfit. Bali Yoga Wien bridged the East and the West, bringing the Asian heart to the European mind, with an array of yoga practices, free weekly community classes, workshops, regular mantra chanting evenings and yoga teacher trainings & retreats in Vienna and Bali. During periods of worldwide lockdowns, Bali Yoga Wien morphed into an international online yoga platform featuring daily live practices and workshops with Beate empowering herself and students worldwide to find stability and balance during times of isolation and uncertainty until today! The studio sold to Alkemy Yoga & Healing in September 2021 as Beate moved back home to Bali and rebranded Bali Yoga Wien under Yoga Bali in September 2021.