Freedom to Move
15,00 € | Einzelticket |
5,00 € | ONLINE Try Out |
30,00 € | ONLINE 1 month ticket |
50,00 € | ONLINE Five Classes Block |
17,99 € / Monat | Monthly Sub |
What is stopping us from moving with freedom? There can be a complex of things to do that! Things that we’ve been told about our bodies, about how we move, or what we are capable of. Things that we observerd, when we got hurt, or when we moved and we felt. Things that we saw in others. Everything that comes from our senses and from what we believe in, is processed and then movement happens as a result of all these processes. Can we become aware of what affects the movement? Breath is what connects the subconscious and conscious mind and everntually allows us to be able to become connected and aware.
In this class we will move in all the directions and observe the breath and mind as we do so, learning and discovering and moving into freedom.