Videothek The ABC of Pranayama

The ABC of Pranayama

60 min
Alle Level
Feelgoodstudio 1040 " Movement / Vritti "
Bruno Teyssandier (EN, FR)
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
6 Wochen
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9,00 €Einzelticket
89,00 €30 Tage unlimitiert (NeukundIn)
95,00 €5er Block / 5 Class Pass
95,00 €Online 10er Block / 10 Class Pass
108,00 €10er Block NeukundIn (nur für NeukundInnen)
148,00 €Feelgood-DETOX 10 Tage ONLINE
160,00 €10er Block / 10 Class Pass
58,00 € / MonatFeelgood Limited Membership
58,00 € / MonatFeelgood Unlimited ONLINE Membership
99,00 € / MonatFeelgood Unlimited Membership


The Sanskrits word Prana stands for life force and ayama for control or expand.

In this video we will look into the practice of Pranayama - different tools of breath. We'll look into Ujjayi breath and many other techniques.

Breath is one of the most important parts of our lives that happens approximately 22.000x a day without thinking about it and still we often do not pay any attention to. That is why we will look into the art of breath - the Pranayama.

Please make sure to make yourself comfortable by sitting on the floor, on a polster/block, lying down, finding a seat in you chair - whichever position makes you feel comfortable to be able to slow down

Together we will dive deep into the Pranayama, if there are any questions that are popping up before the class, please do not hesitate to send an email to

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat/floor/chair :)

PS: our videos are like we are: "perfectly imperfect". Instead of being technically perfect, our videos are convincing in terms of detailed knowledge and experience.

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

Bruno Teyssandier was an active mountain and mountain bike tour guide before he came in contact with yoga in 1998. After an accident in Nepal, which made him turn around 180 degrees, he decided to participate in a yoga teacher training in LA California in the fall of 1999. Since then, he has studied in India multiple times. He owned, directed and taught at Yoga 108 in Marin county (California) and New Orleans (Louisiana) for 7 years, from San Francisco to Beijing before he landed in Vienna in the summer of 2014. He has managed Feelgood yoga since 2019. His directions are firm but nurturing, he teaches from a warm heart and sense of humor, yet with strong focus.